Online Health Advices

Ditch Harsh Cleansers, Embrace Nature’s Detox: Buchu, Your Skin & Gut’s Best Friend!

(Barosmae folium)

Buchu is a low shrub native to the Cape region of South Africa. The dried leaves are harvested during the flowering season. The oil can be obtained by steam distillation of the leaves. The two primary species of buchu used commercially are Agathosma betulina (syn. Barosma betulina) and Agathosma crenulata (syn. Barosma crenultata).

Buchu leaf preparations have a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine as a urinary tract disinfectant and diuretic. Buchu was used by herbalists to treat urinary tract infections and inflammation, as well as inflammation of the prostate. In Europe, it was also used to treat gout. The original use of buchu by the native peoples of southern Africa is unclear because buchu is a general term for aromatic plants. It appears to have been applied topically, possibly as an insect repellant, and also used internally for stomach problems, rheumatism and bladder problems.

What it does


Buchu leaf contains volatile oil between 1 and 2.5%, which consists minaly of several monoterpenes. One of these, known as diosphenol is thought to be responsible for the anti-bacterial action of this herb. Buchu also contain flavanoids, especially diosmin and rutin, which may give the herb it’s diuretic properties.

In the sun-kissed valleys of South Africa, a humble shrub named buchu whispers secrets of ancient healing. Its fragrant, peppery leaves, treasured for centuries by indigenous communities, hold a wealth of potential hidden within their verdant folds.

Buchu’s most celebrated power lies in its ability to flush out the unwanted. It acts as a gentle diuretic, helping your body release excess fluids and toxins while soothing the urinary tract. Whether it’s the burning discomfort of cystitis or the nagging irritation of urethritis, buchu offers a natural path to relief, easing inflammation and restoring a sense of flow.

But buchu’s magic extends far beyond the urinary tract. This versatile herb has long been revered for its ability to combat the fiery whispers of inflammation throughout the body. From the throb of gout to the aching joints of arthritis, buchu works like a calming balm, taming the fire and bringing a sense of soothing comfort.

Even within the delicate ecosystem of the digestive system, buchu plays a friendly role. Its carminative properties help dispel uncomfortable bloating and gas, allowing digestion to glide smoothly and effortlessly. And for those seeking a natural stomach tonic, buchu offers a gentle nudge, encouraging digestive function and leaving you feeling light and balanced.

So, the next time you encounter the earthy, evocative scent of buchu, remember – it’s more than just a fleeting aroma. It’s a whispered legacy of ancestral wisdom, a testament to the healing power that nature holds within its green embrace. Whether you seek relief from urinary woes, a soothing touch for inflammation, or simply a gentle nudge for digestive well-being, consider welcoming buchu into your life and letting its natural magic work its wonders.

Potential Uses

Cystitis Urinary tract infection Water retention

Other information

Buchu has a long history of use as a diuretic herb and is often used by herbalists to help water retention, bloating, gout and rheumatism. It has been used to cleanse and disinfect the urinary system to help treat bladder infections cuased by bacteria.

Buchu is commonly found in licensed herbal remedies for the urinary system along with herbs such as Uva ursi, dandelion and Cleavers.


Generally there are no side effects from taking Buchu, it is best taken with food to avoid gastro-intestinal discomfort.

Buchu should not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Due to the diuretic action of Buchu is shouldnot be used if you are already using diuretic drugs.

At the time of writing there were no well known negative drug interactions with Buchu.


  • Julia

    For about 5 years now, I have been on my journey towards a healthier lifestyle. My main goal? To feel great both on the inside and outside! Since then, I've been all about exploring different ways to boost my overall well-being, with a special emphasis on keeping my mind as healthy as my body. Finding balance has become my mantra, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer! Whether I'm sweating it out with some cardio, hitting the trails for a rejuvenating hike, diving into deep conversations, or simply enjoying the company of my furry companion - mini Schnauzer Yuki, life just feels so much better! Drop me a line anytime – I'm always here for a friendly chat about health and happiness!

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